As a long-time San Diego resident, I am honored to serve as Chairman of the County of San Diego Black Chamber of Commerce board. During my tenure, I witnessed Black entrepreneurs bring ideas to fruition, create thriving business ventures, and achieve education milestones. While I celebrate these moments, more work lies ahead to decrease the wealth gap and increase Black enterprise in San Diego County.

I am committed to elevating Black businesses through tangible opportunities that result in economic viability for San Diego's Black communities. Our vision to create generational wealth through business enterprise, education, employment, and investing is a community effort. Uplifting and elevating each other is vital to achieving our mission, and I am asking you to get involved.

The Chamber's mission shapes the current and future generation of Black students, families, home, and business owners. The call to action involves supporting the Black community by participating in our initiatives, events and immersing yourself in the Black community to understand our social capital.

Our mission thrives when you thrive, and our commitment to REOPEN, REBUILD and RECOVER dictates the future of San Diego's Black communities. The call to action is:

  • Champion our causes.
  • Donate to our initiatives.
  • Eradicate injustices and biases that plague Black America.
  • Elevate San Diego's Black Businesses.


Bruce Mayberry

Bruce Mayberry
